Counter Weight Brewing decided to get a Kaspar Schulz Braublock system for their test batches and to create high quality lagers.

The system is also used to test raw materials such as different malts and hops.

more information of Counter Weight Brewing

2-vessel Kaspar Schulz brewhouse 10hl

  • mash/wort kettle, mash mixer and high efficient wort stripper technology

  • lauter tun with rakes

  • separate whirlpool under the lauter tun

  • smart water technology to save a hot liquor tank

  • manual control

Open Fermenters

  • skid mounted, pre-piped and wired

  • open fermenters with temperature control

  • lid with spring for easy lifting and closing

  • side wall cooling with high efficient side templates

  • insulation on side wall

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