After detailed discussion with proBrau about the individual requirements and vision for the new brewery in Northglenn, Prost Brewing decided to get a Kaspar Schulz brew house.

In the decision making the flexibility, energy efficency and the high degree of automation were key factors along with the long tradition of Kaspar Schulz and their high reputation world wide.

The vision of Prost Brewing Co. is to brew the highest quality beers for themselves consistently, but also offer contract brewing for selected partners.

more information about Prost Brewing Co.

malt handling system from Künzel

  • 26 tons (57,000 lbs) outdoor malt silo with automatic discharge to malt mill

  • 2x automated BigBag station for specialty malts

  • Specialty malt hopper

  • Drum sieve for pre-cleaning of the malts up to 3 tons/hr (6,600 lbs/hr)

  • Malt humidification screw MBS 150E for up to 2% moisture uptake with a capacity of 1,4 tons/hr (~3,000 lbs/hr) - better lautering and malt extraction (due to better grind results)

  • KÜNZEL-6-Roller malt mill type A 20/40 E with stainless steel intake, auto adjustable rollergaps, grist / husk speration with sieves, capacity of 1,4 tons/h (~3,000 lbs/hr) and controls for individual milling depending on the malt

  • Malt bin and seperate husk bin for endosperm mashing, both with explosion protection

  • Post mill hopper for flaked products

  • Chain disc conveyors for gentle malt and grist transport to the 20bbl brew house and the new 50bbl Kaspar Schulz brew house

  • Fully automated controls and integration in Kaspar Schulz software

  • Installation by a domestic crew from proBrau

5-vessel Kaspar Schulz brewhouse 50 bbl

  • "Optimasher", premashing device for gentle mixing water and dry grist to obtain ready mash

  • oversized mash kettle with quick heat up (> 1 K/min) equiped with gentle three armed agitator

  • additional mash kettle for decoction mashing

  • oversized mash/lauter tun (16 °Plato) with SCHULZ lautering controls

  • wort kettle with external heat exchanger allows to boil all different volumes and evaporation rates

  • wort stripping system for a post whirlpool vacuum evaporation helps to minimize boil times and get a good post boil DMS evaporation (low TBZ)

  • automatic hop dosing unit

  • oversized whirlpool for high hoploads in brew kettle design, CRAFT AIR wort aerator from ESAU&HUEBER

  • effiicient vapour condenser for brewhouse enabling heat recuperation and minimize odour emission

  • fully automated with PioneerPro from SCHULZ

here we go:

2x 20 hl yeast propagation from ESAU&HUEBER

  • hygenic design and semi-automated

  • oxidative yeast damage avoided due to design and automation

  • yeast propagation tanks with seperate sterial gas panel

  • fully steamable for sterilization

  • included in the PioneerPro automation system

Kaspar SCHULZ water management system

  • 100 bbl cold liqour tank, fine ground and insulated with pump station
  • 175 bbl hot liqour tank out of 1.4571 stainless steel incl. external heating and pump station
  • included in the PioneerPro automation system

10x 100 bbl open fermenters

  • Kaspar SCHULZ open fermentation tanks (four for wheatbeer)

  • patented design allows automatic cleaning without lid

  • yeast harvest for top fermenting yeasts

  • side wall and cone cooling with high efficient cooling template

  • included in the PioneerPro automation system

6x 200 bbl horizontal lagering tanks

  • design for automatic cleaning and yeast harvest
  • stacked two high
  • minimizes hydrostatic stress on yeast
  • good clear out of green beer
  • included in the PioneerPro automation system

fermentation cellar with CCTs from Kaspar SCHULZ

  • perfect height liquid level ratio
  • insulated 100 mm and different cooling zones
  • included in the PioneerPro automation system

CIP system for brew house and fermentation cellar

  • fully automated CIP systems (15/20 hl)
  • two supply lines in cellar CIP system
  • consistent cleaning of all fermentation and storage tanks
  • automatic sanitation of filtration and filling units
  • included in the PioneerPro automation system

pipe fence from proBrau

  • minimizing use of hoses
  • automated wort way and tank CIP
  • hygenic design and flexible processes
  • engineered in Germany, build in USA
  • semi automation minimizes manual labor and allows certain degree of automation

More information about the equipment and services provided:

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